Sunday, 9 June 2013

Summative Outline

CGW4U -  Summative Performance Task                                                      NAME:_________________________

Canadian and World Issues Year in Review Blog

Part 1 – Make Your Blog Posting (READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY):
As a class you will prepare a news review site for this semester.  Each student will be responsible to research, format and post one blog entry on a particular issue.  Each entry needs to perform a complete “Issue Analysis” using the framework you have been applying all semester.  In your post you should include at least ONE representative PICTURE and HYPERLINK any referenced material back to its original source (if it is online).
Each issue posting must also include a properly formatted ANNOTATED bibliography (APA).  You can format your Issue Blog Post using any word processing program and then cut and paste into the blog site. 
NOTE: Each posting must ALSO be posted on

Blog Posting Instructions:
To post your issue to the blog site go to and login using the following information:
USER NAME: aldershotworldissues
PASSWORD: aldershotwi
        1.     Click on the Pencil icon to “create new post”
        2.     Cut and paste your issue analysis into the blog and complete formatting as desired
        3.     Click “Publish” once you are finished

Part 2 – Start a Conversation:
On the last day of your Summative you will have the opportunity to explore other issues posted by your class.  You must read through at least two other posts and leave a comment on the blog.  Each comment must include the following information:  Your Name, a “Wow” statement (“WOW I never knew that……”), a “do you think” statement (“Do you think is possible that……”) and a “I wish it had more information” statement (“I wish I had more information about ___________________ so I could _________________”)
Once you have made your two comments return to your own post and respond to your peers comments as articulately as you are able.  If you have time keep exploring and keep the conversation going as much as you can.

TIP: Try to find at least one posting that has no comments so that each person in the class is able to respond to comments on their blog

Summative Timeline:
Day 1: Research your Topic and Prepare Bibliography
  • Hand in Annotated Bibliography (APA format)

Day 2: Complete Your Research, Begin to write your Blog Posting
  • Hand in updated Annotated Bibliography

Day 3: Complete your Blog Posting
  • I posted to and checked that it was live
  • I posted to and checked my account to make sure it was there
  • I saved a back-up copy of my blog to my G: drive

Day 4: Comment your Peer’s Issues
  • I commented on at least two peer’s issue posts
  • I have responded to comments made about my post

I hereby veryify that all components of my CGW4U summative are complete and in the appropriate locations:
                                                               ___________________________________                       ___________________
                                                                                      Signature                                                              Date


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW this is the coolest summative I have ever seen!!! Do you think Mr. Blair will let us do two issues because this looks like too much fun :) I wish all my summatives were this awesome...........
